Italian police officer of “IPA MILÁN 3.0" strives to raise public awareness - A photo speaks more than a thousand words!
"I would like people to understand that they should be concerned with their life about not leaving the house unnecessarily."By ipiana Giulieny Matos
Fron Brasília - Brazil
Servo per Amikeco!
Italy confirmed the pandemic on January 31 and the start of quarantine on February 23. With approximately 190 thousand infected, 57.776 recovered and 25,549 deaths (data of 4/20/2020). Being one of the most suffering countries in Europe, even the most unbelievers had to bow to this deadly virus and admit human frailty.
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Giulieny Matos, exclusively with President IPA “MILÃO 3.0”, at the service of the State Police in Milan, Attilio DI NUNZIO, brings the alert, from his personal experience, to the Brazilian population.

The Italian state of calamity imposed a very high fine for those who leave home without real reasons or needs. In Italy, the streets are patrolled by all categories of police, including Carabinieris, Guardia de Finanza, Local Police, Military and also by drones.
A person walking on the street without good reason can be fined up to 3,000 euros. According to the government resolution, quarantine offenders can be sentenced to three months in prison, and a longer sentence is possible for more serious violations.
However, for IPA "MILÁN 3.0", this fine should be the least of all concerns. Citizens should think about how not to be infected by the virus and not how not to be fined. Attilio insists on raising citizens' awareness.

First of all a man. One cop. An ipiano. Like a good soldier, tireless in combat. His gun? The word. Hope in the collective, in solidarity and in the conscience of each citizen.
"- Will leave? Where are you going?" With patience and politeness he tells us that it is necessary to ask everyone who passes by. Furthermore, it is necessary to make people aware that it is prudent to respect the aggression of the virus and the high probability of contamination and death. "I would like people to understand that you have to worry about your life and not the fine you can get out of without real and urgent needs."
To this end, as president of IPA Milan, he created these very interesting photos that he shares with us, in order to help raise the awareness of the world population. This photo shows us the chaos caused by the virus.
The photo makes us reflect: “Would you expose yourself so easily if you saw the streets like that?” Even in the face of so many infected people, so many deaths, so many bodies recovered that they couldn't even have an appropriate wake, many people still remain reluctant to orders, reneging on the risk of dying and succumbing to human solidarity.
Police, health and essential services are doing everything they can. The least that the population can contribute is to stay at home and not generate more turmoil besides the services that are quite many.

The photo released by him speaks more than a thousand words. One of the most effective measures against the spread of the disease has been isolation. Staying at home has become, for now, one of the most effective methods of preventing contagion. Attilio directs us to leave the house for only the minimum and fair amount necessary. “It is essential that the population understands and gives importance to the risk that each human being is directly exposed to when leaving home, even when the law allows it.”
A valuable tip he guides us on is going to the supermarket. It is not to leave the house every day to shop, as an excuse to leave the isolation. You have to be aware of leaving the house as little as possible. Just as shopping is not recommended every day, there is no need to buy the entire market at once. Go out every 10 days and buy only what you need. This measure already helps a lot in social organization.
Unfortunately, there are some who think only of themselves. Collective education is extremely important when we don't live normally.
People here in Italy sometimes even fight over the supermarket line, or buy more than they need, causing delays for others. “It would be great if people thought about others too, taking only what is necessary. I don't understand why the human being needs to have more than he needs. In nature, animals respect each other 100%, we could follow that example”, he warns.
Neither in Italy nor in Portugal there is a forecast for the return to school, neither for children nor for adolescents, it is not even a matter of agenda. They will start to open part of the trade after the 4th of May.
As a police officer working on the streets and above all as President of IPA “MILANO 3.0”, he begs people not to leave their homes without real need, but only to carry out the minimum and fair necessary.

The International Police Association (IPA) brings together more than 500,000 representatives from 70 states on all continents, addresses police cooperation in solving humanitarian problems, as well as law enforcement issues. He has a seat on the UN Consultative, Economic and Social Council, the European Council, the Organization of American States with UNESCO.
IPA “MILÃO 3.0” was born in July 2019 with 40 police officers (State Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, Local Police, Firemen) and currently has more than 200 members. IPA is not just for the local police. It takes care of its members by encouraging friendships between policemen, since it brings together all the police in each country.
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